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Product Description

Size of Tile Overall 420 x 330mmMinimum Pitch 22.5 degrees (for rafter lengths over 8 metres, please consult our technical department)Maximum Pitch 90 degrees (subject to fixing specification)Headlap (minimum) 75mm above 25 degrees / 100mm at 25 degrees or belowGauge (maximum) 345mmCover width of one tile (nominal) 297mmCovering Capacity (Headlap 75mm) 9.8 tiles / sq metreCovering Capacity (Headlap 100mm) 10.5 tiles / sq metreHanging Length (nominal) 400mmWeight per 1000 (approx) 5.0 tonnesRecommended Batten size (see BS5534). Rafter centres up to 600mm 50 x 25mmRecommended Nail size 45 x 3.35mm

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